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A Successful Writer

Everyone has the power to become a writer. It does not matter how long it takes you to master writing. So what if you cannot write now? Heneke, though a great writer now, did not see herself as a writer until her early forties. But that did not prevent her from being a prolific and successful writer. It did not put an end to her dream as a writer. She learned how to write, then discovered the joy of writing as she became a writing ambassador. Heneke now empowers people to find their voice, share their ideas and inspire their audience. Everyone can graduate to this level with self-awareness and discovery garnished with interest, determination and dedication.

You need not keep your dream of becoming a writer or best seller locked up until you have the “AHA!” experience. Jack London encourages us not to wait until we have the finest expertise in writing when he said,

“The most beautiful stories always start with wreckage.”

One beautiful thing about writing is that you have the ample opportunity to re-write your work as many times as possible once your start writing. You do not have to wait forever for a perfect story or material before you commence writing. In the words of Ijeoma B. Nwaogu (Nigeria’s first youngest author in Nigeria since 2013), “Stop dreaming , start acting.”

Rainer Maria Rilke in advising a young poet said:

“Don’t ask me about being a writer. If when you wake up in the morning you can think of nothing but writing … then you’re a writer.”

Think of how you get inspired. Read up how great writers started and how they get their inspirations. Access and assess their story, then check how these apply to you. Can their inspirations work for you? If not, what do you think would work for you? Remember, if you have the will, you’d have the way.

Visualize the goals you want to achieve, brainstorm ideas derived from other writers/authors, then visualize your success as a successful writer. But please remember that the success you visualize can only materialize with a strong will power, determination and hard work. In the words of Christian G. Larson,

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”

Writing does not just happen. It takes a process. No one magically starts writing and finishes without first considering what to write, who to write for, how to write etc.


A successful writer is just like any other human person trying to climb the ladder of success. It does not matter how many times you tried to get it right. What matters is your success at the end.

Mary-Joan Oluoma-Nwaogu

May 18, 2021

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