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#Acing Job Interviews

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

Acing job interviews could be as simple as ABC and can also be as complex as learning a language old age.

Looking for a job is a job itself. This is why it is always necessary to prepare well in advance before setting out to seek employment. Preparing well for an interview does not only entail preparing an excellent and interesting Resume.

The interviewer/employer would like to know your strengths and weaknesses.

In most cases, the prospective employer may want to assess a candidate's ability to complete tasks. Some times it could be about the candidate's ability to motivate or encourage others to complete their tasks.

Prospective interviewers/employers may also want to know your preferred style of coping with your job functions and how such styles match with their organisational climate/culture.

In some cases, interviewers may also want to know how creative you are, how much extra skills you'd bring to the organisation, and how best you can work as a team player. Other issues such as problem solving, conflict resolution, passion for the job, your accomplishments, interpersonal skills and many other variables may also interest interviewers.

However, questions based on the above are usually accompaniment to the major questions for the job. The ultimate aim of job interview is to determine a possible job-person fit.

---Dr. Mary Joan, November 2020

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