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Parenting, the act of caring and providing for the child or its offspring, is one of the oldest professions on earth. Parenting relates to the act of accepting headaches for the child today to avoid heartache tomorrow as any parent who refuses to accept headache in child training prepares to welcome heartache when the child grows up.

Despite its importance in human life and endeavors, many have taken it to be the most under-rated jobs ever engaged in as nobody hardly ever get paid for being a parent. Though one of the significant and most needed factor in human development right from preconception to adulthood, parenting is yet to take its deserved position in the world.

Basic Parental Responsibilities

* Basic childcare

* Providing the basic physiological needs of the child

* Providing emotional and psychological warmth

* Providing guidance and setting boundaries for the child

* Ensuring stability in the family

* Being a pally to the child

Parenting Styles

Authoritarian parent: This parent provides high structure but low warmth. the parent is usually very strict, always controlling rather than instructing, hardly reasons with the child's views, invokes high standards and disciplines the child with punitive intentions. Children of this kind of parent may become timid, or fearful or may become aggressive and lacking initiative due to too much control. Some may have low self-esteem

Permissive/laissez-faire parent: This kind of parent is excessively warm. He/she is usually undemanding of the child; and is very child-centered - does everything the child says or wants. The parent has low control over the child. The child of this kind of parent may become over-dependent and irresponsible.

Authoritative parent: This parent is both high in structure and warmth. The parent is greatly involved in the child's developmental activities. He/she lays down rules, yet communicates effectively with the child. The parent also respects the child's viewpoints. Children who find themselves in this kind of parenting grow up to be independent, inquisitive, respectful and feel secured. They also develop high self-esteem.

Neglectful/non-accepting parent: This kind of parent is low in setting structures and also in warmth. He/she is usually uninvolved in the child's activities and concerns, acts unconcerned about the child and behaves indifferent. Such parents rarely instill discipline in the child. This style is an indication of low acceptance of the child. Children with this kind of parents may be moody and impulsive. They may lack internal driving force to action, may lack life goals and may become truants.

Mary-Joan Nwaogu, Ph.D

Dec. 2020

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