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Sample job interview questions

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

Your certificates and resume enhance your being shortlisted for a job interview. The major thing that determines your being chosen for the job or not would be your responses during the interview . It depends on how much you offered and how much you convinced the interviewers that you are the best candidate.

Below are sample job interview questions:

  1. #"Tell me/us about yourself"

If this is asked as the first question, the interviewers simply want you to calm down and be relaxed.

They look for the candidate that would go outside the box, size the opportunity, then explicitly market him/herself more than as indicated on the Resume.

To respond to this question, you need to calm down, see them as prospective colleagues not just as interviewers, then tell them everything about yourself especially about the skills that are not mentioned in your Resume. Remember you may not have the opportunity to do this later but be cautious not to say too much as to prompt so many other complex questions.

2. #"Tell us why we should hire you?"

This is a question interviewers use to confirm if you have the potentials they expect of the job occupant.

The interviewers want you to present evidence that you stand out from the crowd; that you are the best of all the candidates.

3. "Tell us about your most difficult job or experience you have had."

The interviewer wants to know how sincere you are about your failures/frustrations and how you were able to overcome them.

4. #"What interests you the least about this job?"

The interviewer would expect you to turn this question around discussing some aspects of the job you find very pleasurable and interesting.

They are not expecting you to discuss much about the unpleasant or least specifications of the job. Be ready to be charged by the interviewers to tell them of the roles/responsibilities you would not like about the job. Be cautious not to give too much responses. Giving to much responses may lead you to saying things that would count against you. One thing you must note here is that sincerity counts.

Most importantly, they want to be sure you don't find a very important aspect of the job "displeasing."

They look out for your honesty in answering this question.

5. "How did you handle criticisms about your work or performance?"

The interviewers want to know how you respond to feedback about your performance. Given that criticisms are very sensitive, they want to know how you react to and deal with comments bothering on your quality of job or mistakes.

They want to know if you are the type of person that re-assesses his/her mistakes after feedback, then try to make amends.

The interviewers want to know how you respond to your supervisor, boss or colleague who gives you a negative feedback. Be careful as you respond to this as they would be seeking to know how you'd react to criticisms in a professional manner.

6. #"Considering your past experience, what do you consider your self weaknesses regarding the job you seek?"

The interviewer would expect you to address your weaknesses and how you will over come them.

They want to compare your reaponses with what you have in your Resume.

Usually, interviewers would seek to know if you have any weakness that would hinder the performance of the job you seek, and what you would likely do to overcome the weaknes(ses).

7. #"What do you know about this job?"

The interviewers wants to know if you have taken the pain to read or learn about their organisation and the job you seek.

They want to know how much you know about the threats and opportunities of the job and organisation, what the organisation does and possibly, who their clients or competitors are.

This is why invited candidates are to make a visit to the organisation (if it is a direct employment opportunity) to ask questions and get themselves acquainted with the organisation and its climate/culture if possible.

We cannot exhaust the sample questions in this post. But I'll conclude by saying "prepare well, be punctual on the day, be patient if you are delayed (as it is also a form of interviewing for sensitive positions), be composed, do not say more than you are asked."

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