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Updated: Dec 21, 2020

No two individuals are the same. Even among children, no two children are the same nor react in same manner to the same stimulus. Stress is a response to both internal and external demands for which an individual does not have a coping strategy.

Though there are several symptoms of stress in children, different children react in different ways to stress situations. When stressed, a child may not do well in school, thus have poor grades, children may exhibit more tantrums, some become cranky, they may begin to eat too little or too much.

Stress in children can also lead to some psychological disorders or symptoms. Children may become somatized - they may convert their psychological symptoms into physical symptoms. These physical symptoms may include:

- chest pain,

- back pain

- stomach upsets

- body weakness

- pains in the neck

- pains in the arm/hand

- regular sweaty hands/feet

- increased heart rate etc

Children may also exhibit behavioral symptoms which might include:

- withdrawal,

- absenteeism from school,

- disregard for rules and orderliness,

- dislike for self and others

- lack of interest.

Most worrisome about stress in children is suicidal ideation. Some children who undergo stress tend to behave like the whole world is against them thus, think of killing self but many do not hatch the idea.

It is therefore important to monitor children; take note of any of the above symptoms and take action if you notice any of the symptoms. Consult a psychologist when necessary.

- Mary-Joan Nwaogu,

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